Research Areas
The Junior Professorship’s research program focuses on the overall topic of ‘Designing virtual work’, which is based on two core research areas:
This research area focusses on questions such as:
- How are information and communication technologies changing our interactions with others?
- What challenges do we face in virtual meetings?
- How do we get a sense of belonging and connectedness with others in virtual spaces?
- How can we best capture and analyze dynamic group processes?
Research projects on this topic:
Verhaltensbasiertes Feedback in virtuellen Meetings [behavioral feedback in virtual meetings]. Project funded by the Theo und Friedl Schöller-Stiftung (Since June 2024).
Stärkung von Verbundenheit und Zugehörigkeit im digitalen Engagement [Strengthening connectedness and belonging in virtual volunteering]. Project funded by the German Foundation for Civic Engagement and Volunteering (Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt) (March 2022 – July 2023).
Work design and communication in virtual teams. Project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischen Austauschdienst; DAAD) in cooperation with the Center for Transformative Work Design, Perth, Australia (January – December 2018).
Selected publications on this topic:
Handke, L., Costa, P., & Feitosa, J. (2024). How Virtual are We? Introducing the Team Perceived Virtuality Scale. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Handke, L., & Wesche, J. S. (2024). Virtuelle Teamarbeit: Was sie kennzeichnet, wie sie wirkt und wie man sie gestaltet. Psychologische Rundschau.
Handke, L., Klonek, F.E., Parker, S.K., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Interactive Effects of Team Virtuality and Work Design on Team Functioning. Small Group Research, 51(1), 3-47.
This research area focusses on questions such as:
- How can we implement effective remote or hybrid work policies in organizations?
- What opportunities are offered by digitalisation and automation in human resource management?
- What does effective feedback look like?
- How can individuals craft their jobs using the opportunities provided by technology and flexible work arrangements?
Selected publications on this topic:
Wesche, J. S., & Handke, L. (2023). Digitisation and automation in training and development: a meta-review of new opportunities and challenges. Personnel Review.
Wesche, J.S., Handke, L., Pahl, B., Diering, L.E., Junger, A.J., & Gieselmann, L.R. (2023). Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der Weiterbildung in Organisationen: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Praxisbeispiele. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation., 54(3), 335-346.
Handke, L., Klonek, F., O’Neill, T.A., & Kerschreiter, R. (2022). Unpacking the Role of Feedback in Virtual Team Effectiveness. Small Group Research, 53(1), 41-87.